"The Lost Tapes" (S10E16)
What was originally suppose to be Episode 15… recovered from a laptop room recording, please excuse the restored audio quality. Topics unearthed include…
Who Rubbed James?
Serial Killers
Handicap Parking
Foxes from Alaska
Podcast pet
Bird Bath
Turks Trip
Say Goodbye To Twitter
Short Kings
Heightening Shoes
Abstinence Lady
Martha Stewart
Tree Planting Tour
Popular Poles
Where You From
Puffy Attacks PEI
Kidney Transplant Rankings
Sneaky Old Lester
Double Shelled Turtle
Hopefully Episode 15 will now make more sense :P
#SerialKillers #Foxes #PodcastPet #Turks #GoodbyeTwitter #ShortKings #HeighteningShoes #AbstinenceLady #MarthaStewart #TreePlantingTour #PopularPoles #Chiropractor #WhereYouFrom #PEI #KidneyTransplantRankings #BirdBath #DoubleShelledTurtle